Fur Types in Brief
Explore the Many Types of Fur
Fur, or leather with the hair retained, has been used by man for insulation against the cold throughout our history. That’s about 200,000 years. In the late 20th century competition emerged from synthetic fibers made from fossil fuels, marketed under such exotic names as “synchilla” and “eco-fleece”. But with society’s growing understanding of our environment’s fragility, more people are again embracing natural fibers that are renewable and biodegradable. Thus the future of fur looks secure as a key component in dressing modern man and providing us with comfortable protection against the elements.
Until the advent of animal agriculture 10,000 years ago, all fur came from the wild. But today, most comes from farms, with mink and fox accounting for about 80%. The remaining 20%, however, represents a great diversity of species. From timber wolves controlled for human safety in Alaska, to beavers controlled in Massachusetts to protect water quality, to seals hunted for food and fiber in the High North, wild fur remains an important player in the cold-weather clothing business.
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