Fur Animal Research Letters (FCUSA)
Prevalence, distribution and molecular epidemiology of Aleutian mink disease virus, mink enteritis virus and other parvoviruses in wild mink of British Columbia
Dietary supplementation of Ascophylum nodosum improved kidney function of mink challenged with Aleutian mink disease virus
Effects of dietary kelp (Ascophylum nodosum) supplementation on survival rate and reproductive performance of mink challenged with Aleutian mink disease virus
Dose response of black American mink to Aleutian mink disease virus
Evaluation of Growth Curve Models for Body Weight in American Mink
Tail Tip Hair Loss in Mink a Case Report
Opportunities for genomic selection in American mink: A simulation study
Detection of selection signatures for response to Aleutian mink disease virus infection in American mink
Linkage Disequilibrium, Effective Population Size and Genomic Inbreeding Rates in American Mink Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing Data
Selection for Favorable Health Traits: A Potential Approach to Cope with Diseases in Farm Animals
Fat liver syndrome in the mink—preliminary proof of dialogue between adipose tissue and liver through extracellular vesicles as a cause of hepatic lipid accumulation
Orotic acid-treated hepatocellular carcinoma cells resist steatosis by modification of fatty acid metabolism
Mink Industry Byproduct Report
Aleutian mink disease virus and related viruses in British Columbia wildlife
Aleutian Disease Virus (ADV) Heating Study
Development of Genetic Markers for Detection of Aleutian Disease Resistance
Additional foraging elements reduce abnormal behaviour – fur-chewing and stereotypic behaviour – in farmed mink
Determination of the Genetic Component of Fur-Chewing in Chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)and Its Economic Impact
Application of Molecular Methods to the Study of Infectious Diseases in the Mink Industry.
A Comparison Between Intraperitoneal Injection and Intranasal and Oral Inoculation of Mink with Aleutian Mink Disease Virus
Dam Characteristics Associated with Pre‑weaning Diarrhea in Mink
Tail Tip Lesions in Mink: Effects of an Additional Hammock in Multilevel Cages
Orotic acid-treated hepatocyte carcinoma cells resist steatosis by modification of fatty acid metabolism
Induction of Maxillary and Mandibular Squamous Epithelial Cell Proliferation in Mink (Neovison vison) by b-Naphthoflavone
Prolonged Nest Building Increase the Reproductive Outcome in American Female Mink
Early Recognition of Offspring Vocalisation by Mink Mothers
Stereotypic Behaviours are Heterogeneous in their Triggers and Treatments in the American Mink, a Model Carnivore
Detection of self-biting behavior of mink by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and sequence-characterized amplified regions (SCAR)
Using Animals’ Preferences for Different Ceiling Heights to Improve Cage Design
Shelves, Platforms, and Hammocks
Manipulable Enrichment Items
Larder Beetles: Life Cycle and Control
Larder Beetles: Insecticides
Squid Hydrolysate: a Potential Replacement for Fish Meal and Phosphoric Acid/Sodium Bisulfate in Mink Feed
Overview of Cage Size Project
Eimeria Vison on Dutch Mink Farms
Whole Genome Sequencing of Aleutian Disease Virus from Skunks in British Columbia
H1N1 Influenza in Wisconsin Mink
Cutaneous diphtheria-like disease with Corynebacterium ulcerans in mink and its presence on nasal mucosa of healthy mink
Genetic Analysis of the Aleutian Mink Disease Virus in Free Ranging Mink in Nova Scotia
FINAL REPORT: Comparison of MALDI-TOF and ELISA for identification of breeding animals in AD resistance breeding program -Clinical trial
Selection for tolerance to Aleutian mink disease virus infection reduces severity of disease symptoms
The accuracy of CIEP in detecting mink infected with Aleutian mink disease virus under long-term eradication programs
A Comparison between ELISA and CIEP for Measuring Titres against ADV
Accuracy of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for quantification of antibodies against ADV
Pediculosis (Stachiellaarseni) in Farmed Mink
Use of PRO-PEP F as an Alternative to Sodium Bisulfate to Prevent Urinary Calculi in Mink
Nitrogen and Amino Acid Digestibility of Feed Containing HP300 as a Replacement for Fish Meal Fed to Natural Dark Mink
Naturally occurring Influenza A virus subtype H1N2 infection in a Midwest United States mink (Mustela vison) ranch
Avian influenza virus H9N2 infections in farmed minks
Extended Viral Shedding of a Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus by Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis)
Estradiol stimulates glycogen synthesis whereas progesterone promotes glycogen catabolism in the uterus of the American mink (Neovison vison)
Fecal progestin concentrations as an indicator of reproductive success in American Mink
Assessment of Diflubenzuron as a Feed-through Larvicide in Mink
Causes of mortality in farmed mink in the Intermountain West, North America
Genome-wide Association Mapping of Response to Infection by the Aleutian Mink Disease Virus
Detection of the Aleutian mink disease virus in soil and water
Composting of mink manure: How high can the temperature go?
Does composting kill Aleutian disease virus in mink manure?
Killing Aleutian disease virus by heat – A progress report
The Effects of Estradiol and Progesterone on Catecholestrogen Synthesizing Enzyme Activity in Immortalized Mink Uterine Epithelial Cells
The effects of estradiol and catecholestrogens on uterine glycogen metabolism in mink (Neovison vison)
Sequencing of Aleutian mink disease virus – a preliminary report
Influenza in mink
Naturally occurring influenza A virus (H1N2) infection in a US Midwest mink ranch
A letter from Dr. Hugh Hildebrandt
AD research update
Evaluation of sodium bisulfate as a replacement for phosphoric acid in a conventional mink ranch diet
Effects of moderate diet restriction on reproductive longevity in mink females
Dual identification of Aleutian disease virus (ADV) IgG and IgM antibodies in mink blood by lateral flow immunoassay with two test lines
Selection for low blood gamma globulin in mink naturally exposed to the Aleutian mink disease virus
Canine distemper
Kit mortality on Danish mink farms from weaning to pelting
Mink disease: Basic research
Genotype-environment interaction of mink
Effect of excess dietary sulfur-containing amino acids on digestibility in mink
Diet protein in mink gestation
Mink virus enteritis
Sodium-bisulfate, ammonium chloride, benzoic and adipic acid in the feed for 28-56 day old mink kits
Aleutian disease virus dipstick test
The influence of body condition on breeding results and early kit mortality
Rare genetic diseases
Convulsions in mink
Individual differences in the behavior of mink: How does variation in activity (specially stereotypic behavior) reflect degree of adaptation to typical farm conditions?
Development of an animal model for staphylococcal enterotoxicosis
Feeding uncooked pork byproducts can lead to salmonella abortions
Enteritis in mink kits prior to weaning
September 2008, Vol. 16, No. 3
Recent progress in research program activities, by Dr. Kirsti Rouvinen-Watt, Nova Scotia Agricultural College: Blood sugar regulations in mink females during the reproductive cycle; Effects of body condition on lipid and glucose metabolism in mink; Mink fatty liver disease – causes and metabolic consequences
Pseudomonas pneumonia in mink in Rogaland, Norway – Medical and practical aspects throughout an outbreak in 2006
Mink and “mad cow disease”
Effects of climbing cages and group size on behavior and production in juvenile mink
Mink virus enteritis: Its first occurrence
Maximizing mink kit survival
The early history of epizootic catarrhal gastroenteritis (ECG)
Revival of apparently lifeless mink kits at birth
Enteritis in mink kits prior to weaning
RIP Dr. Richard Shackelford
Enzyme additions to mink diets
A pseudorabies outbreak in mink
Mastitis in mink
G.R Hartsough Scholarship award winner
Distillers dried solubles for mink
The big four mink diseases
Lead poisoning
Testing for Aleutian disease
September 2007, Vol. 15, No. 3
Treatment and prevention of fatty liver disease in mink
Mink nursing sickness
Testing alphamune – a feed supplement for mink
Mink and chronic wasting disease of deer
Effects of estradiol, progesterone and prolactin
Fatty change of the liver
Annual meeting, Mink Farmers’ Research Foundation
Distillers’ dried grains and solubles in mink feed
Prevalence of coccidia in northwest mink
Tularemia in mink
Ringworm in ranch mink
Feed use of a mannanoligosaccharide to enhance kit survival and growth
Hormonal effects on uterine implantation
Pussy lungs
Methionine substitutes in mink diets
More about distillers’ dried grains/solubles
Giant kidney worms in mink
Mink welfare in practice
Fur chewing
Effects of pesticides on mink reproduction
Yellow fat disease
December 2006, Vol. 14, No. 4 (sic; the cover says December 2007)
Compact disk on diseases and parasites of mink
Transmission of Aleutian disease virus (ADV)
Distillers’ dried grains and solubles as mink feed
Canada mink breeders annual meeting
Chastek paralysis
The effect of pelting time on pelt quality
Reduced dietary protein during winter feeding
Mycotoxins in mink feed
September 2006, Vol. 14, No. 3
MFRF meeting
Investigation of a commercial feed supplement
Hormonal effects on mink production and reproduction
Aleutian disease: the iodine agglutination test (IAT)
Irradiation as a means of preserving mink feed
The good life – mink research
Delayed implantation, or diapause in mink reproduction
Milk and cheese by-products as mink feeds
Nursing sickness in mink
Assessing the temperament of mink
Water supply for lactating mink
Fiber in the mink diet and stereotypies
Fats / oils in the mink diet
Salmonellosis of mink
Carbohydrate digestibilty by mink
Blood and bloodmeal in mink diets
Mink are susceptible to mad cow disease
Mink length, weight and pelt size
Controlling oxidative stress in mink
Diagnosis of distemper in mink
Cortisol, as an indicator of stress
Vitamin E for mink
Caging mink females with a male kit
Botulism in mink
Rapid-fire tests detect botulism toxin
September 2005, Vol. 13, No. 3
Nervous distemper in mink
Fiber in the mink diet
Dietary vitamin A level and growth & fur quality in mink
Use of irradiation to preserve mink feeds
Coccidiosis in Pacific Northwest mink
Intestinal coccidiosis in mink
Waste disposal: a problem in all animal operations
Improving mink welfare
Role of prolactin in mink reproduction
Amino acids in mink diets
Yellow fat disease in pigs
The origin of “mad cow disease”
The early history of Aleutian disease
MFRF research priorities
Heating-oil production from manure
Tularemia in mink
Genetic (inherited) diseases in mink
Housing mink kits, singly or in pairs
Poultry by-products preserved with formic acid as mink feed
Botulism: Improved tests
Fiber in mink diets
“Screw neck”
Salt, in the mink diet
Deafness in mink
Peas as a mink feed ingredient
Astrovirus in mink
Feeding fur animals by use of a computerized feeding machine
Mink management problems and their solution
Susceptibility of pastel mink to distemper
Pseudomonas pneumonia of mink
September 2004, Vol. 12, No. 3
A new possible feed source – broilers
Thin-skin disease
A new test for mad cow disease
Genetic tools
Methionine for mink
Adjusting date of birth for mink kits
Avian tuberculosis in mink
Odor control in animal farm operations
Preservation of mink feeds by irradiation
Composting mink wastes
Fur chewing: Effects on reproduction
Spray-dried blood as a source of protein for mink feed
Storage of mink pelts by freezing
Effects of melatonin and prolactin in mink
Future canine distemper research
Antioxidant effects on mink
Aleutian disease testing
Distemper virus types and strains
Soybean protein
Diet salt content
Change in vaccine availability
Transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME)
Avian tuberculosis in mink
Downer cows
Aleutian disease – a diagnostic dilemma
Feeding culled hens or hen silage
Epizootic catarrhal gastroenteritis (ECG) in mink
Susceptibility of dark mink to coronavirus
Guidance on use of deer and elk in animal feed
Temperament and behavioral reactions in mink
Diet and reproduction
Mycotoxins: a continuing problem
Catalog of Nordic research on fur animals
Carbohydrates for mink
Feeding during lactation
Detecting stress in animals
Russian fur farming
Antibiotics again
Hydrocephalus in mink
Flaked corn
Too much of a good thing? Over-supply of nutrients
Meat and bone meal
Comment on AD vaccines
Raccoons carry viruses to mink
Zinc in mink diets
Moiu on antibiotics
Flea infestation
Feeding methods
Mink breeding programs
Mink Farmers’ Research Foundation Board annual meeting
Selecting for feed efficiency
Price of biotin may increase
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Sparing methionine and choline
Ammonium chloride supplementation to reduce urinary pH
Aleutian disease: breeding for antibody response
Water supply to lactating females
Outbreaks of pseudomonas pneumonia in unvaccinated mink
Mink Farmers’ Research Foundation: research priorities
Stapholococcal skin infection in kits
Preventive actions against BSE
Antibiotic usage
Protein sources: eggs and cheese
Nursing sickness
Folic acid
Level of feeding and “sticky kits”
Gelatin hydrolysate
Spongiform encephalopathies in the US
Lecithin: a new diet additive?
Body length and body weight relationships to pelt length
Aleutian disease
Effect of extrusion temperature on feed digestibility
Nutrient excretion & manure management
Effects of staggered caging on reproduction
Nursing sickness
Fermentation and heating improve cereal digestibility
Restricted feeding and “sticky kits”
Sodium bisulfite as a preservative
Metabolic antagonisms in mink
Use of sulfa drugs
The avidin / biotin relationship: good or bad?
Avoiding bacterial contamination of feed
Cutting back on phosphorus
Distemper and its control
Group housing for mink
Salmonellosis of mink
Use of sulfa drugs
Effects of fattening milk on pelt length
Embryonic mortality in mink
Management systems in mink production
Mink watering systems
Protein quality & quantity in mink
MFRF Board research priorities
Causes of mink enteritis
Testing for BSE
Environmentally-friendly rations
More on the antibiotic issue
Controlling mink manure odor with Yucca
Corona virus research
Control of aflatoxicosis in mink
Selection of mink for behavior
Group caging of mink
A review of effects of PCB’s on mink
Interagency meeting with AVMA and USDA
Feeding dogfish
Welfare of mink
“Pussy lung”
Mink parvoviruses
Attack on E. coli
Welfare of mink
Nutrient management
Distemper, again
Mink caging / housing
Pseudorabies and pork product feeding
Management and mink welfare
Energy supply for reproduction
The origin of Aleutian blue mink
Distemper: a continuing problem
Handbook of biological data
Antibiotic restrictions
Growth rate and mink kits
Amino acid requirements
Benzoic acid metabolism by mink
Hormonal control of furring in mink
Controlling E. coli infection
Aleutian disease research
MFRF Board research priorities
Effects of melatonin implants on Aleutian disease
Distemper investigations: 1998
Health of mink kits
Formaldehyde approved for use in animal feeds
Strains of Aleutian disease virus
A new protein source, Bio Protein
Carcass disposal methods
Computerized breeding programs
Spermatogenesis in mink at the breeding season
Synchronized breeding: Is it for mink?
Factors affecting profitability in mink
The G.R. Hartsough Scholarship at Michigan State
Lactation: a critical period for mink
Size is important this year
How much is enough? (Diet and vitamins)
Virus enteritis
More on nursing sickness
Feed-wire mesh sizes
Availability of meat meal
Phosphoric acid in mink nutrition
“Pussy lung” in mink
Use of different males in mating